Conditions générales de vente


Furnished tourism
3 rue Saint-Georges
[email protected]


Article 1 – Dwelling
The reservation contract concerns the rental of one or more furnished tourist apartments located at the address shown in the header hereof.

Article 2 – Booking conditions
• On my website or live, the reservation becomes effective, once the traveler has paid the full amount of the stay. The payment of the stay is valid for acceptance of the following conditions of sale:
◦ A deposit of 50% of the total rental amount, paid at the time of booking,
◦ The balance due and tourist taxes, to be paid 7 days before arrival at the premises;
• On the booking platforms: the full price of the booking, including tourist taxes, is collected directly by the platform. The reservation is effective as soon as it is confirmed in our system by the relevant platform.

The tourist taxes in force are calculated according to the number of nights, the number of persons subject and the classification of the rented apartment (2* or 3*). The scales are available on the Ouest-Aveyron Communauté website.

The rental concluded between the parties may in no case benefit, even partially, to third parties, natural or legal persons, unless agreed in writing by the owner.

Any violation of this paragraph is likely to result in the immediate termination of the rental to the harm of the traveler, the proceeds of the rental remaining, therefore, permanently acquired to the owner.

Article 3 – Length of stay
The traveler holding a reservation for a fixed period will not, under any circumstances, be able to avail himself of any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay, except to make a modification of the dates of stay, if the calendar allows it.

Article 4 – Cancellation by the traveller
A cancellation can be made on the site of the owner, the different booking sites or be the subject of a written request by registered letter or email, with acknowledgement of receipt in both cases.

Repayment terms:
a) cancellation within 14 days of arrival in the premises: the deposit remains acquired to the owner,
b) cancellation less than 7 days before the expected date of entry: the balance of the amount of the stay remains acquired,
c) if the traveller does not show up and does not appear within 24 hours of the date of arrival indicated on the reservation, the reservation becomes null and void and the owner may dispose of the accommodation. The total amount paid for the reservation also remains acquired to the owner,
d) shortened stay: the rental price remains with the owner. No refund will be made.

Article 5 – Cancellation by the owner
Failing to offer an equivalent or higher accommodation within a radius of 4 km, bearing the difference in price, the owner pays the traveler the full amount paid in advance.

Article 6 – Entry into dwelling
The dates of the stay are defined at the time of booking. The traveler must contact the trusted person designated by the owner whose details are communicated in the automatic message sent on the day of arrival.

The apartments are available from 4 pm, to allow the cleaning team to prepare them after the departure of previous travelers. It is necessary to respect this minimum schedule in order not to hinder this preparation.

The keys are handed over in person when the owner or a trusted person is available at the desired time. Otherwise or late arrival, the keys are provided in a secure key box. The code will be given when making contact, shortly before arrival. Care should be taken to mix the numbers of the code after recovering the keys.

In case of late or delayed arrival, the traveler must notify the owner or the person of trust designated by the latter.

Article 7 – Departure from the dwelling
The accommodation must be vacated before 10:30 am on the morning of departure. Depending on the booking schedule and that of the cleaning team, a late check-out can be granted upon express request until 2 pm. A supplement of 1/2 night will be applied. Beyond 2 pm, the owner reserves the right to charge an additional 1/2 night.

Article 8 – Inventory
Bed linen, towels and kitchen are provided for the duration of the stay. 1 set of extra linen is available for stays of more than 7 nights. The traveler can choose to use the washing machine present in each apartment or to entrust this task to the partner company.

Cleaning, disinfection and laundry are provided between each stay by a specialized company.

The traveler undertakes to return the rented premises in the state where he will find it when entering into enjoyment. Videos and photographs are taken before and after each stay.

All installations and household appliances are considered in working order. Any complaint and/or anomaly concerning the accommodation must be reported no later than 48 hours after the entry into possession of the premises. Failing this, the premises and equipment are deemed to be compliant and in good condition.

In the event that urgent repairs should be carried out by the owner during the rental, the latter, or the person trusted by him, will make every effort to carry out the necessary repairs. However, the owner does not accept any responsibility for any delay in carrying out this work.

In order to make access to Saint-Georges accessible to all, no extra cleaning is charged when booking. In return, before departure, the traveller undertakes to:
• Leave the unit in the condition it was, clean and tidy,
• Ensure dishes are properly washed and put back in place, and dishwasher emptied (Cocoon and Loft),
• Empty and clean the fridge and freezer,
• clean oven, microwave, hob, kettle, coffee maker and toaster,
• Take away and place the household bins and those to be recycled in the containers reserved for this purpose outside the bastide,
• • cleaning pet hair.

However, if the traveler prefers to discharge this commitment, a contact with the cleaning company can be made upon prior request.

Failure to leave the premises in the aforementioned state, a household supplement will be automatically charged and charged.

On departure, the traveler will have to ensure the closing of the windows, the extinction of all electrical appliances, including heated towels and television. He will make sure to put the thermostat of the heating on 15 degrees.

Article 9 – Security deposit
At the latest on arrival of the traveler, a deposit of 300 € is requested by the owner. For bookings made on the website of the host, this amount is automatically blocked on the account of the traveler and released within one week after his departure, minus, if necessary, additional cleaning fees, the cost of restoring the premises in case of damage, breakage, or if the absence of objects was found.

Article 10 – Use of premises
The traveler must ensure the peaceful character of the rental and make use of it in accordance with the destination of the place. He must avoid any noise or behaviour that might disturb the occupants of other apartments or the neighbourhood (loud music, loud voices, barking, slamming doors, coming and going, etc.). The silence must be total between 10 pm and 8 am.

Smoking is prohibited inside the apartments and in public areas. Ashtrays are available in the apartments for smoking on the street (preferably), or with windows wide open.

In any case, the accommodation must be ventilated at least 5 to 10 minutes morning and evening, or even mid-day.

It is forbidden to throw anything else in the toilet bowls, apart from toilet paper. Garbage cans, with single-use bags, are available in each toilet and bathroom/ water for sanitary pads, menstrual pads, condoms, cotton swabs and other non-biodegradable waste. These bags must be closed and inserted into the kitchen garbage bag and deposited in the buried containers arranged around the Bastide. The yellow bags are intended for paper and other recyclable waste that must be deposited in a container close to the previous provided for this purpose.

Guests, not provided for at the time of booking, are allowed under the responsibility of the guest who receives them. It is imperative to inform the owner or his representative, at the latest on the day of arrival.

Minor children are under the sole responsibility of the parents or accompanying persons designated by them.

The activities of prostitution, trade, in particular illicit products, photographs and films of the rented premises, for dissemination purposes, in particular on the Internet, are prohibited. Other activities within the establishment, which have not been the subject of a prior request followed by an authorization from the owner, are strictly prohibited.

In the event that a traveler disrupts the stay of other persons present in the building or neighborhood, and/or does not respect these provisions, the owner or his representative may, orally or in writing, if he deems it necessary, to give notice to the latter to cease the disturbances or to leave the premises on the field. In case of serious or repeated violation and after formal notice by the owner to comply with these rules, the latter may terminate the rental contract or reservation, at the expense of the traveler, without the possibility of recovering any amount of money. A report will be made on the reservation site concerned and possibly, depending on the severity of the situation, the public force may be seized.

In accordance with the legislation in force, the establishment or its owner cannot be held responsible for the use made of the WIFI access by the traveler and the obligation to collect and store the connection data. To this end, the owner of the establishment may be required to communicate these data to the competent authorities who would direct it, in particular for the purposes of research, identification and prosecution of criminal offences, or for the prevention of any terrorist activity.

Article 11 – Capacity
The number of people occupying the premises may not exceed the sleeping capacity of the rented accommodation. The owner reserves the right to refuse additional people not authorized during the reservation or during the stay. Any modification or breach of the contract will be considered on the traveller’s initiative.

Article 12 – Pets
A surcharge applies. Pets are allowed on prior consent of the owner of the establishment, and when they are certified clean and well educated. In case of non-compliance with this clause by the traveler, the owner can refuse the stay. In this case, no refund will be made. New pets (NAC) are strictly prohibited.

For reasons of hygiene, allergies, stains or scratches, our animal friends are not allowed to use the sofas, beds or benches velvet, except to plan to cover them with protections that you will have taken the trouble to bring with you. The carpets will have to be rolled and stored, as well as objects within reach… tail or legs! For the taking of meals and water of your animals, it is strictly forbidden to use dishes intended for travelers. Bowls are available on request.

Article 13 – Insurance
The owner insures the accommodation against rental risks on behalf of the traveler (water damage, fire, glass breakage). The traveler has the obligation to report to the owner, within 24 hours, any loss occurred in the apartment, outbuildings or accessories. He is responsible for all damages arising from his actions. It is also required to be insured for the entire stay and occupants of the rented accommodation. The owner reserves the right to access the accommodation for any check or repair.

The traveler remains responsible for his personal effects, especially in case of theft. The rental in guest house and furnished tourism, does not fall within the responsibility of the hoteliers. Consequently the establishment and its owner could not be held responsible in case of loss, theft or damage of personal effects, both in accommodation and common areas, or outside.

Article 14 -Payment of charges
Water, electricity and gas charges are included in the rental price, for normal use according to the national average estimates, as an indication:

In case of clearly abnormal use, the charges may be charged back to the traveler.

Article 15 – Disputes
For the purposes of this Agreement, the owner and the traveller shall elect domicile in their respective homes. However, in case of dispute, the court of the rented place (Rodez) will have sole jurisdiction. This contract and its consequences are subject to French law.